Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Monitor Citrix Licenses

Was tasked with monitoring Citrix Licenses. We needed a way to gauge when demand was the highest and overall utilization. Following is a PowerShell script that runs every 15 minutes and stores the result in a SQL Express DB. Will be using PowerGadgets at a later point to present a graphical representation of the data.

First the function to grab the Citrix info:

Function Get-CitrixLicenses {
= Get-WmiObject `
-class 'Citrix_GT_License_Pool' `
-Namespace "ROOT\CitrixLicensing" `
-ComputerName $_ Select __Server, Count, InUseCount
= Get-Date -Format g
foreach ($License in $Licenses) {
= New-Object psObject
Add-Member NoteProperty Server $License.__Server
Add-Member NoteProperty Total $License.Count
Add-Member NoteProperty InUse $License.InUseCount
Add-Member NoteProperty Date $dt
-Output $obj }

Second the DB insert function:

function Write-CitrixLicense {

# Open the DB Connection
= New-Object System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
= "Your connection string"
= $connstr

# create DB command
= New-Object system.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
= $conn }

# create the INSERT statement
using object properties
= Get-Date -form g
= "INSERT INTO tblCitrixLicense (Server,Count,InUse,
SubmitDate) VALUES ("
+= "'" + $_.Server + "',"
+= "'" + $_.Total + "',"
+= "'" + $_.InUse + "',"
+= "'" + $now + "')"
= $sql
Out-Null }

END {$conn.close()}

Finally the call....

'Server1','Server2' %{Get-CitrixLicenses} Write-CitrixLicense

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